Interviews about Working Class Representation in Games
I was an interviewee in the People Make Games video, 'Video Games Are Failing the Working Class' where I share what it was like to grow up low income/working class and pursue a career in the games industry. I was also interviewed by IGN on the same topic.
Public Speaking

Low Income & Working Class Games Accessibility
A twenty minute talk that explains what it's like to be a low income and working class person trying to get into the games industry. I cover my personal background in detail, highlight the issues, and offer industry solutions.
Video Essay

How I Got Into the Games Industry (UK Centric)
A brief ten minute talk that covers: my background as a low income and working class budding game dev, what my career and educational path looks like, and valuable takeaways on how to network in the games industry on a budget.

Founding 'Opportunity List'
Opportunity List was a Twitter based, community research project, with the aim of guiding budding game devs, new to Twitter, to student, graduate, junior and mid level opportunities and events that are shared on the platform, within the games community.
Advocacy Project

Creating & Branding 'The Neighbourhood Jam' Fundraiser
In June 2020, Marina Diez and I launched a charitable game jam to raise money for those in urgent need during the pandemic. For the project, I commissioned an artist, and created a logo and press document for our PR sponsor, Future Friends.
Advocacy Project